Since January 1st 2008, Yamanda RA Int’l has created a seismic forecast station.
There is no financial support. All kind of financial support is welcome.
Datas are available on request for collective use only. Not on individual level.
Wednesday 7 March, 2012
On March 30th 2012, a peak activity of great seisimic intensity should create a risk of tsunami of IV –V on the Y-RA scala (maximum V) mostly during the morning between 4 :00 am and 12.00 UMT. But the risk remains all day, and should fade out after 8:30 pm UMT. The magnitude is evaluated between 7.8 and 8.2 on the Richter scala.
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Sunday 6 November, 2011
A specifically strong tension will be given by the full moon, from November 10th on. But on Friday 11, the tension will be paroxysmal and the seismic activity higher.
The tsunami risk does exist with a degree of III /IV on the Y-RA scale (max. five), between 2:00 and 6:00 pm UMT.
Latitudinal belts most exposed are: – 24-28° N and S (Chile principally) – 35-38°N (Turkey, Japan, principally)
– 42–46° (Kuril Islands)
Sunday June 19, 2011
To complete the below information, it can be said that the activity should well intensify in zones of latitudinale belts such as:
– 50–55° lat. N Alaska – 21-24° N/S Taiwan, Chile – 13-16° lat. S Pacific Fidji, Tonga,... and N Central America – 2–6° lat. N/S Sumatra
Sunday May 29, 2011
Warning : Those information are forecast potentials, just as for meteorological forecast. Regulation of the events through energetic polarized compensations do exist, but cannot be calculated so far : they are not part of the calculations established by our forecast station.
During the coming week, the peak activity should be from June 1 to June 4 and prepare a following week (June 6 to 11) with more intensity.
On June 1st, the activity’s intensity should focus in the Pacific area (latitudinal belt 17-22° N/S or and 6-8° N/S) with two energetic peaks between 5- 8 am UMT. And between 6 – 10 pm UMT. The tsunami risk level could reach 3 on the Y-RA scale that counts 5 levels. Magnitude could reach around 6.8 to 7.3 on the Richter scala.
On June 4th, the peak intensity is previewed between 8 am and noon.
On June 7, the peak activity can start in the early hours of the day, with a reduction during the day, and another peak intensity between 5 pm and 10 pm UMT. The tsunami risk level is previewed in the early evening (level 2-3). On June 9, the peak activity starts early and can last the whole day. With a possible magnitude around 6.0 in Japan.
On June 11, the peak energy should last between 5 am and 1 pm. With magnitude around 6.5.
On June 12 and 13, the peak intensity that can release enough energy should be around midday (between 11 am and 3 pm.) With possible magnitudes around 6.2.
On June 16, an increas of intensity is observed in the early hours of the day until 7 am. And then again between 3 pm and 6 pm UMT. Magnitudes could reach 7.0.
Considering the succession of those daily situations, we could expect the release of activity in the Pacific zone (Tsonga, Salomon) in Indonesia or Philippines.
But the risk is also observed for the north latitude of the Kuril region and Alaska.
On June 21, the release of energy starts during the night and can last until noon, with a peak around 6 am. A special mention for this day, as the intensity can be very high during the whole day for reasons among others of the summer solstice. It exists a tsunami risk level of 4 (maximum level is 5) between 5 and 6 am UMT. Magnitudes could be situated between 7.0 and 8.0 on the Richter scala. The latitudinal belt shows the Mediterranean Sea (South Turkey/ Greece, Algeria). An increase of the volcanic activity in the 3 earlier days could also be a sign. This high level energetic situation will last until June 23.
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Saturday February 12, 2011
A reinforced seismic activity is previewed during the week from 8 to 13 March 2011. On Friday 11 March, two peaks of high energy at 5:00 am. and 3:00 pm. UMT. The tsunami risk level could reach III on the Y-RA scala (5 levels).
But a greater tsunami risk level is previewed on March 13. It could reach the level IV between 2:00 pm. and 10:00 pm.
All events could happen on a latitude belt of 33-38° N or S.
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Saturday December 18, 2010
The seismic activity is reinforced on December 21 and 22. A total eclipse of Moon gives more power to the whole situation. On Dec. 21, at 7:00 am UMT is previewed a peak of energy. Another energetic peak is previewed the same day between 4:00 pm and 6.00 pm. Those peaks can release earthquakes of magnitude superior to 7.5 on the Richter Scala. The tsunami risk level shows a medium activity (2-3 level on the Y-RA scala). Polarization shows latitudinal belts of: – 0-6° N/S (Pacific Ocean - Indian Ocean) – 38-44° N/S (mostly Mexico coasts: Pacific or Caribean)
Sunday June 20, 2010
The seismmic activity will be reinforced during the coming week. It shows that an earthquake of great magnitude could be released (8.0 or more on the Richter scala). The tsunami risk level shows a medium activity (3rd level on the Y-RA scala).
The most important days will probably be June 24 (first part of the day) and June 26, with an important energetic peak around 7:00 am UMT, then 12:00 to 3:00 pm UMT regarding the intensity. Polarization shows latitudinal belts of: – 0-6° N/S (Pacific - Indian oceans) – 38-46° N/S (Chili / Gulf of Mexico, Baja California /Russian Pacific Coast)
Sunday May 30, 2010
The seismic activity for the beginning of June will be quite high, and will demonstrate an increase of energy that could release tsunamis. Levels could reach Nr. 4 on the Y-RA scale (5 levels) for date from June 3rd to June 6th.
Sunday May 16, 2010
The seismic activity for the coming week and the rest of the month should focus more energy : 1) in the second part of the day of May 20th, and the following day. During the night between May 20th and May 21st, there is a possible increase of tsunami risk (level II) – which accounts 5 levels on the Y-RA scale. The magnitude on the Richter scale is evaluated at 6.0 – 6.5. And the peak energy is evaluated between 21h UMT and 04h UMT. The polarization show latitudinal belts of : – 17-20° S (Pacific - Philippines) – 36-39° N/S (Chile / Turkey / Pakistan-China) – 42-46° N (Kamtchatka, Siberia) – 0 – 5° N/S (Sumatra and region is always very active)
This site evaluation* is made only for the coming week.
2) on May 26, 27, 28, we could expect the release of a quake of magnitude 8.0 or more. On May 27 at 12h UMT there will be a complete concordance of flux relations, that could prepare a major release of energy.
*The site evaluation is so uncertain that it can be made only within much shorter term than the time forecast.
Sunday April 25, 2010
A increased seismic activity is forecast for the coming week. The activity of Planet Vulcan is strong : every second day, or so, from now on and for a period of a week, will show magnitude of more than 6.0 on the Richter scala.
The polarization show latitudinal belts of : – 20–24°N/ S for the release of seismic events (China, Pacific). – 50 – 56° N/ S for the next ones (Kamtchatka, Alaska, South Pacific) – 0 – 5° N/S (Sumatra and region)
The tsunami risk level is minor for this period.
Synthesis: January 2, 2010
From July 2009, the planetara sesimic activity is raising, comparing to previous years.
During the 6 last months, earthquakes of magnitude 7.0> correspond to «normal» activity of a full year.
They are 17 in number. Out of them is one of 8.3 and three of 6.9.
From the whole, seven earquakes have been released within the 13-17° latitudinal belt*.
Earthquakes of magnitude 6.0> reach a total of 104 for the same period, which means 2/3 of a yearly normal activity.
In October 2009, the seismic activity overcoming the intensity of 6.0> was 20 days out of 31. And seven earthquakes released with intensity 7.0> for the same month. Never seen before. The region most attained is situated in the Pacific Ocean between the Samoa and Vanuatu Islands.
In 2010, the planetary seismic activity will still increase in high proportions
The forecast for the 6 first months would probably concern the latitudinal belts* within 8-14° / 20-24°/ 33-38°/ 42-46°.
*latitudinal belt = polarized belt in resonance with the daily energetic configuration from the sum of interplanetary relations, within which is prepared, several days in advance, the release of an earthquake. (Cf.Seismic Forecast, by Sylvie Touranne (to be published).