« The Universal Peace may exist only if the heart is open to cohesion, to compassion and to conscience.»
Inner COHESION is the most beautiful form of love in action. Inner COMPASSION is the most beautiful form of friendly human relationship in action. Inner CONSCIENCE is the most beautiful form of discrimination in action.
UNIVERSAL PEACE in the World cannot BE ALIVE, if those values are not daily integrated within thought mode, behaviour and action in every human being.
Read more in this site under chapter GENEVA.SYNTHESPRIT
• — • About YAMANDA RA• — •
• YAMANDA RA is a completely independent Centre of Research & Applications. It does not get any financial grant or subsidy of any kind. Every paid service is automatically reinvested into the further mentioned programmes, which commitment involves the participative responsibility for the common Good.
The significance of YAMANDA RA means the energy guiding the works lead by this organisation. It is not a first name.
YAM = sanskrit word, and mantram meaning resonance of the heart. MANDA = aramean word for gnosis. Sanskrit word for supreme achievement.
YAMANDA = Supreme achievement through the open heart gnosis.
RA = Solar phonema. R for Research / A for Applications.
«We follow the model of the bees' democracy that pour out the Word of Honey when human relations are right .» SyKaHunaa
« (...) Modern psychology is still in a paleolithic condition, it is in the state of analyzing problems without presenting solutions.» Master E.K. Agni Yoga, Yoga of Synthesis
• 1.The YAMANDA RA Centre works on modern psychology, by means of innovations, within the continuity of the Carl Gustav Jung works. They are still not taught within universities and specialised schools, but are within the Centre Yamanda RA at Lyceum Mustair, and under the form of public lectures.
• RADIOPSYCHOLOGY is the new sector of the 21 st century’s Psychology Science, which works and researches are initiated within the Center Yamanda RA since 2001. It is a programme of interdependent actions of global health concerns within the environment at large. It is a way of sustainable prevention working with solutions of global energetic hygiene. Individualized actions of RADIOPSYCHOLOGY (Integral Life Coaching) are focused on all human beings, and not only aimed at people with clinically and medically diagnosed pathologies.
Emotional knots, mental habits and crystallizations are dissolved in the line of «Know Thyself» and much more.
Its aim is the evolution of the human energetic radiation, in order to create and maintain right relationships, anchor peace into the whole World of the Alive, (biologic and energetic) through intelligent opening of the heart. The works on radiopsychology follow those of Carl Gustav Jung , and are in constant evolution, in order to respond to actual quests of the new coming society.
« Vocation acts like a law of God from which it is not possible to escape.» Carl Gustav Jung
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• 2.The YAMANDA RA Centre works atHealth Sustainable Prevention, through programmes of public utility in:
1) SUSTAINABLE PREVENTION OF GLOBAL HEALTH (GHSP) through classical homeopathy (H – EK) , ayurveda
and alternative non-invasive treatments.
2) INTEGRAL LIFE COACHING, counselling with the new psychological tools (Radiopsychology).
3) Management of problems related to environmental pollutions with impacts on health.
4) BIO-LAND-PLANNING, SUSTAINABLE «HEALTH-CITIES» AND HABITAT, after the millenary wisdom's energetic criteria.
The Coronavirus-Covid-19 attacks the weakened immune system of the populations. It results in a hyper-reaction called cytokinic storm. The varied processes and symptoms of the disease, then death, are due to the strong reaction of the immune system and NOT TO THE VIRUS !
To avoid hospital admissions and stays, and to restore the normal balance of the immune system.
The existing device is normally used to clean up atmosphere of sensitive places, that cannot bear P1 fine particles emissions: the ELECTRONIC CORONA EFFECT IONISER.
This electronic device produces oxy-ions (negative oxygen ions O--), where one face is organised with small spiked multiple funnels.
The device is adapted to the human face position, with a membrane (type balloon) to contain the flow of oxy-ions near the face and chest according to the gravity of the case. The installation is very simple. No tubes at all. No body intubation.
1) individuals in hospitals
2) hospital halls like emergencies, intensive care,...
3) senior care facilities.
• in large spaces and halls, as multi-directional screens to bring the oxy-ion flux for a global 360°, by adapting the distance, intensity, power of energy, quantity, volume of the hall, according to the situation.
How is resulting the use of the ELECTRONIC CORONA EFFECT IONISERon human health:
1) regeneration of the blood system and balance between red and white cells giving more energy to the antibodies.
The respiratory system rejuvenates in shorter times.
2) creation of electronic atmospheric energy (called prana in sanskrit) within the whole organism, that helps the immune system fight against the virus and reduce the inflammation in shorter times.
And possible other positive effects. No side effects, no contra-indications, while no medical chemicals are given.
3) O-- oxy-ions are creating an atmosphere of the purest air possible (similar to the glacier or cascade areas).
The atmosphere gets a much higher quality than O2 molecules.
To complete your information, please read the blog in this website:
• 3.The YAMANDA RA Centre hosts a station on seismic forecast,where short term probabilities of earthquakes releases (daily) are calculated, yearly periods where intensification of seismic events is probable, as well as the scale of tsunami risk levels.
Research are done continuously, in order to attempt realizing more accurate predictions. Verification of the calculations is made on basis of the world wide stations' datas.
The use of data relating to SEISMIC FORECAST and published on this site is at disposal of everyone, as far as are mentioned: 1) the name of the author «Sylvie K. Touranne», and 2) the centre of Research and Applications «Yamanda RA», where those pioneering works are getting developped.
«Ignorance alone gives choice to believe or not to believe. Truth is source of Knowledge first, then Wisdom. It annihilates every belief. For it is Experience of the Existence.» V.V.C.
The School where you learn all what universities do not teach, and complete Knowledge with more creativity:
• co(n)–science • universal links of energetic interdependence within Life • Source, origin and transformations of the worlds
• Homo sapiens divinis, the fifth kingdom of Nature• new psychology ...
Aims : Working with an aware attitude towards the Common Good. Evolve through the inner and subjective side of Life, by conscience expansion steps. Daily contribution in helping our brothers and sisters of humanity overcoming their difficulties. Establish right relationships among all, in freedom and responsibility. Participate in the changes of society. Consider humanity as a whole unit within the general evolution.
• With spirit of equanimity and freedom, this school is open to everyone, in respect of any identity, thought, confession, race, age. It therefore refuses every kind of partisanship of any origin (political, religious, racial,…)
• All works carried through this organization are granted to the Common Good, and need their application by regular and impersonal committment into the civil world, as well as professionnal.
Information, modalities and application: please, see further in the site underINTEGRAL HEALTH | Chapter:Lyceum Mustair
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In charge of the different programmes:
Sylvie Touranne is the first Integral Life Coach to use Radiopsychology.
She participates into the research about seismic forecast.
Being a polymath, after having studied and taught Earth Sciences & Geography, she approached the global field of the Alive with GeobioPhysics. She also worked as public relations and organizing culture events (classical music festival), editor and journalist, in the fields of classical music, environment and health. Parallely, she studied Biophysics, Geobiology, Jungian Psychology and Vedic Psychology, alternative medicines such as Classical Homeopathy with Indian Masters, Ayurveda, Energetic Medicines. And History of Ancient Civilizations and Cultures, vedic and occidental astrology, astro-archeology, as well as Ageless Wisdom.
She is a counsellor, teacher, and lecturer, and keeps going into more research. She is a consultant in electromagnetic pollutions (electrosmog). As well as homeopath, spiritual healer. She teaches Sacred Geography, including Geobiophysics and Vâastu (Feng-Shui), in various Academies of Architecture, as well as to groups of radiesthesists and healers.
She publishes books on Human Sciences, Geosciences, Metaphysics, Poetry, and her Life Experiences.
Among others, she has participated in the United Nations Summit on «Habitat» in Istanbul; European Conference «Cities and Regions» in Lausanne; Forums of the Swiss Science & Technology Council (electricity, GMO, nuclear energy); international scientific interdisciplinary round tables focused on «electromagnetic fields and their influence on health»; securization of pedestrian ways from home to school in the city; interdependence of flows within public transportations.
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• — • BLOG• — •
December 2021:The Tsunami of One-Track-Thinking January 2021:The True Virus January 2021:From the Effects to the Causes
August 2020:Giant Storm Climate June 2020:The Racism of Anti-Racism May 2020:The Cartel of the Masks May 2020:Coronavirus-Covid-19 crisis: the inner meanings March 2020: A possible humanity's resurrection ? February 2020:The New Coronavirus and the Old System January 2020: The Climate Change and Environmental problems:
The Very Great Confusion –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
July 2019: Heat Wawes and General Uncomprehension April 2019: The Solution of Integral Cohesion Easter 2019: Rebuilding Notre-Dame 15 April 2019: The Challenge of Notre-Dame –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
• The M.D. Professor of Medical Radiology Dr. René Gilbert (1892 – 1962) has been a pioneer in this field at Geneva, Switzerland, after the First World War. He developed the first treatments of medical radiotherapy (Hodgkin's disease). Parallely, he has been the first to use the science of radiology, in adjusting radiophotography of art works for their authentification and publication in major books dedicated to painting.
• The medical career • Radiology within pictorial art • Testimonies: page in French only • Article: « A propos du cinquantenaire de la découverte des rayons X » , (About fifty years of X-Rays' discovery) by Dr. René Gilbert, Professor of medical radiology at Geneva University (Switzerland). Special edition of the Magazine Alma Mater , Library of University, 1946. Page in French only.